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Gravity School

Creating a systems-based open-source curriculum for a sustainable future


In today's rapidly evolving world, young people face an array of challenges that span environmental, social, technological, and economic realms. To equip them with the necessary tools to navigate these complexities, the proposed project aims to develop an open-source curriculum and online community facilitated by EarthNet. This innovative educational framework centers on the principles of biological holism and regenerative practices, incorporating systems thinking, complexity theory, and ecology. At its core, the curriculum integrates physical and emotional practices—including exercises such as breathing, balance, flow, and contact improvisation—to foster an intuitive understanding of key ecological concepts like dynamic balance, feedback loops, tipping points, and the systems view of health.

This curriculum will be designed to build a foundational knowledge that expands into more advanced topics, including mathematics and models, network and information theory, earth systems science, physics, and systems-based economics. Targeted at young people, it aims to be accessible through an online platform that promotes interaction, learning, and community engagement. By providing a holistic and interdisciplinary approach to education, this project seeks not only to enhance cognitive understanding but also to cultivate emotional and physical well-being, preparing a generation to face the future with resilience, creativity, and an innate sense of interconnectedness.

Problem Statement

Today's young people are navigating a world brimming with complex challenges, from climate change and environmental degradation to mental health crises and the rapid pace of technological change. While these issues are interconnected, traditional educational systems often fail to present them as such, offering knowledge in isolated silos that do not reflect the holistic nature of real-world problems. This disjointed approach leaves young individuals ill-prepared to make informed decisions or to understand the broader impacts of their actions on the environment, society, and their personal well-being. Furthermore, existing curriculums rarely engage with embodied systems thinking—a critical perspective for recognizing and leveraging the interconnectedness of all things, which is essential for fostering resilience and adaptability in the face of global uncertainties.


1. Foster Holistic Well-being: Equip young adults with physical and emotional practices that enhance their overall health and well-being, incorporating exercises such as breathing, balance work, and contact improvisation to intuitively understand ecological concepts.

2. Cultivate Environmental Awareness: Build foundational knowledge in living systems and a systems view of health, encouraging participants to apply these insights to improve the relationship with their environment.

3. Develop Advanced Critical Thinking: Introduce and deepen understanding in complex topics like systems theory, complexity theory, mathematics, and ecology, enhancing participants' problem-solving and analytical skills.

4. Strengthen Community and Social Bonds: Create a supportive online and offline community through collaborative exercises and learning activities, fostering a sense of belonging and joint purpose among participants.

5. Boost Adaptability and Resilience: Prepare participants to navigate the complexities of the modern world with flexibility and strength, through an integrated curriculum that promotes resilience in the face of global challenges.

6. Empower Youth for Impactful Actions: Empower participants with the knowledge and skills to enact positive change in their communities, fostering a generation of leaders committed to sustainability and social well-being.

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