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Eligibility Criteria

The EarthNet Social Innovation Catalyst Fund is exclusively open to individuals looking to make a significant impact in the realms of environmental sustainability and social equity. This is an incredible opportunity for new and independent social entrepreneurs eager to embark on a journey to develop innovative solutions to some of the most pressing global challenges. Here’s what you need to know about who can apply:

  • Individual Applicants Only: This fund is tailored specifically for individual social innovators. Whether you're brimming with ideas or have a project in the nascent stages seeking support and growth, if you’re an individual with a vision, you’re welcome here.

  • No Demographic Restrictions: There are no specific age, educational background, regional, or community membership requirements. If you have an idea that aligns with our themes of environmental sustainability and social equity, we encourage you to apply.

  • Project Stage and Focus: While your project should align with our thematic focuses, it can be at any stage of development. We’re looking for fresh, innovative solutions that promise to make a significant impact.

  • EarthNet Community Engagement: Applicants must have a completed profile on EarthNet. Additionally, engaging with the broader EarthNet community is crucial; hence, receiving feedback from at least 30 stakeholders on your project idea or plan is a prerequisite. This feedback loop is vital as it ensures your project resonates with a diverse audience and has the potential for wide-ranging impact.

  • No Previous Experience Required: We firmly believe in empowering new voices and fresh perspectives in the field of social innovation. You do not need any prior experience in leading community projects or social innovations to apply. We’re here to support your first steps and beyond.

We are excited to welcome applicants who are ready to take their nascent ideas and turn them into actions with a tangible impact. If this sounds like you, we encourage you to engage with the EarthNet community, refine your project idea with their feedback, and apply to the EarthNet Social Innovation Catalyst Fund.

Application Deadline

No deadlines

Application Process

  1. Set Up Your Project Profile on EarthNet: Start by creating a project profile on the EarthNet platform. You'll be guided through this process by an intuitive AI ChatBot that asks you a series of questions to gather information about your project. If you're prepared with your project details, setting up your profile could take less than 15 minutes. Without prepared information, the entire process should still take less than an hour.

  2. Email Your Project Link for Feedback: Once your project profile is complete, use another AI feature provided by EarthNet to email the link to your project to potential stakeholders. This is an opportunity for you to gather feedback, which is a crucial component of your application. The AI ChatBot assists in gathering and synthesizing this feedback efficiently.

  3. Collect Feedback: Your project needs to obtain feedback from at least 40 stakeholders. This is an integral part of the application process, ensuring your idea resonates well with a wider audience and has potential for impactful outcomes.

  4. Incorporate Feedback: If the feedback you receive suggests reasonable improvements, it's expected that you incorporate these suggestions into your project plan. This step is vital for refining your project based on community and stakeholder input.

  5. Final Review and Sign-off: After collecting and incorporating feedback, your project will undergo a final review by EarthNet staff. This is the last step in the application process. Once approved, the funding is delivered almost immediately, helping you kickstart your project without delay.

Please remember, EarthNet is dedicated to empowering projects that promise significant social and environmental impacts, hence the emphasis on community feedback and engagement in the application process.

Decision-making Criteria

  1. Does the applicant have a completed project profile on EarthNet?
  2. Does the project have 40 feedback submissions?
  3. Has the applicant acted on the feedback in some reasonable way?

Matching Requirement


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