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Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Identify the Indigenous territories you live in
  • Recognize the complexity of Indigenous cultures and historical contexts
  • Analyze relevant Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action
  • Reflect on how past learnings inform current and future decisions
  • Understand Indigenous perspectives on interconnectivity and climate actions
  • Learn from Indigenous climate leaders about impacts in their territories
  • Relate traditional and non-traditional climate adaptation methods to your work
  • Explore the multi-generational impact of climate decisions
  • Describe the importance of integrating Indigenous knowledge and Western science
  • Appreciate the need for collaborative, community-based climate initiatives

Specifically, the knowledge, skills and competencies associated with this course include:

  • Cultural Insights - Recognize the complexity of Indigenous cultures in Canada and the historical context.

  • Reflective Decision-Making - Reflect on past learnings for future outcomes.

  • Interconnectivity Understanding - Determine Indigenous views on interconnectivity in Land and Climate actions.

  • Adaptation Relevance - Relate Indigenous methods of climate adaptation to personal work.

  • Generational Impact - Explore multi-generational impacts of climate decisions.

  • Indigenous Leadership - Consider impacts of Indigenous-led climate research and leadership.

  • Knowledge Integration - Describe the significance of combining Indigenous knowledge and Western science.

  • Collaborative Engagement - Recognize the importance of collaborating with communities in climate initiatives.

Certification / Credential

Climate Adaptation Fundamentals (CAF) Micro-credential - core requirement course.

The CAF micro-credential is aligned with the Climate Adaptation Competency Framework (CACF v1.0).

Alignment URL:

In this course, Indigenous Knowledge and Perspectives on Climate Adaptation, the three focused domains are:

  • Climate Adaptation Science and Practice Literacy
  • Working Together in Climate Adaptation
  • nderstanding the Climate Adaptation Challenge.

The four corresponding competencies are:

  • Indigenous Knowledge Systems
  • Climate Adaptation Science
  • Cultural Agility and Safety
  • Personal Resilience

Course Outline / Syllabus

The course was designed by a team of Indigenous knowledge holders, subject matter experts, and instructional designers. It aims to provide a self-directed, accessible learning experience that reflects Indigenous values. While no single course can cover all Indigenous perspectives, this course serves as a foundation for further learning and encourages decolonized approaches to climate adaptation and action.

In this course, you will:

  • Learn from a diverse range of Indigenous knowledge and cultural practices
  • Explore decolonized approaches to climate adaptation and action
  • Engage with Indigenous leaders and their perspectives on climate change

Assessment Methods

Assessment from two components: a Participation mark and a Summative Task mark.

Participation mark worth 50% of the final grade was assessed and calculated based on participantsโ€™ contributions in discussion forums.

Summative Task mark worth 50% of the final grade based on participantsโ€™ development and submission of a response to one of three possible work challenges.

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NRCAN Resilience by Design Lab Royal Roads University Natural Resources Canada