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Learning Objectives

Learner Outcomes

  • An increased understanding on key climate mitigation risk at management adaptation resiliency and infrastructure policies at multiple scales and their relationship to procurement
  • An increased understanding of key, relevant stages of procurement processes, review various types and approaches to procurement, including public private partnerships (P3s/PPPs)
  • Basic understanding of progress around the integration of sustainability in procurement, and gaps and progress relating specifically to infrastructure resilience
  • Practical knowledge through the introduction of case studies that demonstrate good practice around resilience and infrastructure, as implemented through procurement processes or policies
  • Increased understanding strategies and approaches for incorporating climate change infrastructure risk and resilience in various procurement related scenarios
  • Insights related to the proactive integration of climate change adaptation and resilience principles and practices within procurement processes

Certification / Credential

Infrastructure and Climate Resilience Planning Micro-credential: Elective Courses

Course Outline / Syllabus

This course applies toward the following:

Infrastructure and Climate Resilience Planning Micro-credential Infrastructure Resilience Professional (IRP) Credentialling Program

These credentials will be of interest to engineers, planners, architects and other professionals wo are involved in the planning, procurement, design, operation, maintenance, management and regulation of built or green infrastructure, the assessment of climate risk at multiple scales, and the identification and implementation of climate change adaptation strategies or actions.

About the IRP Credential The Infrastructure Resilience Professional (IRP) credentialing program has been designed to help engineering professionals strengthen the knowledge and competencies they require to advance climate resilient approaches for the planning design and management of infrastructure.

The IRP program and credential is managed independently by the Climate Risk Institute. To obtain the IRP credential individuals must successfully complete six courses, demonstrate experience related to climate change and infrastructure, and be licensed as a Professional Engineer in good standing in Canada.

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NRCAN Resilience by Design Lab Royal Roads University Natural Resources Canada