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Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, you'll be able to:

  • Develop influencing skills, personal agency, and practice storytelling for change
  • Experiment with futures thinking and apply a framework for facilitating dialogue about uncertain futures
  • Critically examine the tensions with climate optimism, leadership, and adaptation
  • Cultivate personal resilience and map your resilience as an adaptive cycle

Specific leadership skills include:

  • Sustainability Leadership - Conceptualize modes of leadership for sustainability transitions and climate action.

  • Learning as Leadership - Understand the importance of learning as an act of leadership.

  • Inclusive Leadership - Reflect on the role of power and conditions conducive to an inclusive leadership approach.

  • Transition Leadership - Explore transition pathways approaches to dialogue about possible futures.

Certification / Credential

Climate Adaptation Fundamentals Micro-credential: Elective Courses Professional Certificate in Management & Leadership Elective Courses

Climate Adaptation Competency Framework (CACF, 2021)

Alignment URL:

This course uses a “transition leadership” lens on climate-informed change management-related practices and is aligned with competency domains from the CACF v1.0

Working Together in Climate Adaptation

  • Cultural Agility
  • Engagement in Climate Action Collaboration

Understanding the Climate Adaptation Challenge

  • Personal Resilience

Course Outline / Syllabus

The climate crisis is often described as a crisis of leadership. Dominant models of leading are failing to adequately address the magnitude, complexity, severity, and uncertainty of humanity’s interconnected climate and sustainability challenges.

In this course, you'll identify and experiment with leadership mindsets and practices needed to contribute towards the transition to a low-carbon, socially-inclusive future.

In this course, you will:

  • Learn about transformative perspectives on leadership for climate action in "What Is Transition Leadership?"
  • Explore personal agency and practice storytelling for meaningful change using Marshall Ganz’ Public Narrative framework
  • Experiment with the Three Horizons Framework for facilitating dialogue about uncertain futures in "Cultivating Inclusive Mindsets and Pathways"
  • Examine concepts like communityship and foster collective leadership in "Convening Dialogue: From Possibility to Action"
  • Focus on personal and professional resilience, drawing from psychological and social-ecological perspectives in "Fostering Resilience"
  • Map your own resilience cycles and explore ways to support yourself and others through ongoing work in climate action

This course is offered by Royal Roads University in partnership with the Academy for Sustainable Innovation.

Assessment Methods

Assessment will be comprised of two components: (1) a Participation mark and (2) a Summative Task mark.

(1) A Participation mark worth 50% of the final grade will be assessed and calculated based on participants’ contributions in the course activities and discussion forums (synchronous and asynchronous discussion).

(2) A Summative Task mark (a reflection paper) worth 50% of the final grade

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