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Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand the physical basis of climate change science and major drivers of change
  • Work with observed data sets and methodologies for quantifying changes and making inferences
  • Comprehend how climate change is modeled through regional and global climate models
  • Understand climate scenarios and the uncertainty in future climate projections
  • Utilize climate projections data portals effectively
  • Apply statistical and computing methods/tools to obtain climate information useful for engineering applications and uncertainty quantification
  • Integrate climate parameters into engineering design
  • Adapt infrastructure design codes, standards, and guidelines to changing climate conditions, recognizing associated challenges and opportunities

Certification / Credential

Infrastructure and Climate Resilience Planning Micro-credential: Elective Course

Course Outline / Syllabus

In this course, you will:

  • Gain insights into the fundamental principles of climate change science
  • Understand the application of climate scenarios and global/regional climate models
  • Learn how to translate climate model outputs for various infrastructure systems
  • Explore impacts in the built environment and related risk mitigation/adaptation approaches
  • Examine challenges and opportunities in design decision-making under climate change uncertainty

This course applies toward the following program:

Infrastructure Resilience Professional (IRP) Credentialling Program

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NRCAN Resilience by Design Lab Royal Roads University Natural Resources Canada