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Our project is an urgent call to action against the increasing threats to wildlife caused by human encroachment and habitat loss. We are spearheading a mission to secure a commitment from every local government—a pledge—that will halt all developments on forests and natural lands under their jurisdiction. This isn’t just a petition; it's a foundational step towards reshaping community plans, land use policies, and bylaws to prioritize environmental integrity and wildlife conservation. By starting with local governments, we're aiming to create a ripple effect of policy change that protects our natural world for generations to come.

Although still in the idea phase, our goal is to see these pledges adopted as guiding standards for future environmental decision-making. Success begins with accumulating these signed pledges, which will form a bedrock for sustainable land management and wildlife protection. We will measure our progress first by the number of commitments we secure, laying the groundwork for policy shifts and long-term conservation benefits.

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NRCAN Resilience by Design Lab Royal Roads University Natural Resources Canada