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The Nelson Tool Library is an innovative community project aimed at fostering sustainability and thriftiness among the citizens of Nelson. By setting up a collaborative initiative with the local public library, we plan to establish a tool library housed in a trailer parked right outside the library premises. This library will offer a wide array of hand and power tools necessary for a variety of projects including renovations, woodworking, painting, metalwork, plumbing, and electrical work. The initiative seeks to empower our community members by providing them with the resources needed to undertake personal and community projects, without the burden of high costs typically associated with purchasing or renting these tools.

We envision the library to be more than just a lending service; it will be a hub for community building and knowledge sharing. Through public community building sessions, residents of Nelson will have the opportunity to contribute ideas for the operation of the tool library, sign up to donate tools, and learn how to use them effectively. Our main goal is to make projects more accessible to everyone, regardless of economic status, thereby promoting cost savings and encouraging sustainable practices within the community. By doing so, we aim to not only enhance the skill sets of our citizens but also to strengthen the bonds within our community by working towards common goals.

Problem Statement

The tool library is a way to support a sharing economy where people can either lend or donate tools for use by others in the community. The hope is that this will enable people to take on new initiatives to make improvements, explore creative outlets, make a product or perform a service.


  1. Build a Stronger Community: Foster a sense of unity and cooperation among Nelson residents by providing a shared space and resources for projects.

  2. Share Knowledge and Skills: Offer workshops and learning sessions on various tool uses and maintenance, enabling members to gain new skills and expertise.

  3. Enhance Community Independence and Resiliency: Empower community members to undertake their own projects and repairs, fostering a culture of self-reliance and problem-solving.

  4. Reduce Waste: Promote the reuse of tools and materials, minimizing unnecessary purchases and contributing to a more sustainable environment.

  5. Encourage Sustainable Practices: Lead by example in showing how sharing resources can significantly lower our carbon footprint and promote a healthier planet.

  6. Have Fun: Ensure the tool library is a welcoming, enjoyable place where people can not only borrow tools but also share a laugh, exchange ideas, and inspire one another.

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