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Canada's Climate Change Adaptation Platform

Convening partners to coordinate action


Established in 2012 and led by the Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Division (CCIAD) at Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), Canada's Climate Change Adaptation Platform is at the forefront of advancing adaptation action across the country. Created as a national convening mechanism for climate change adaptation, the Platform brings together vital knowledge, resources, and financial support to address shared adaptation priorities. By ensuring that the outcomes of its work are widely accessible, it plays a crucial role in supporting Canadaโ€™s National Adaptation Strategy and is a key element of NRCanโ€™s Climate Change Adaptation Program.

With a broad coverage that includes adaptation skills, coastal management, biodiversity, agriculture, mining, energy, forestry, measuring progress, economics, and infrastructure, the Platform significantly emphasizes collaboration. It operates as a national hub, facilitating collaboration across sectors, actors, and regions throughout Canada. This approach is fundamental in integrating diverse perspectives and expertise to effectively address the complex challenges of climate change, fostering resilience and proactive adaptation measures across the nation.

Vision and Mission


Our vision is a resilient Canada where every practitioner possesses the necessary knowledge and tools to seamlessly incorporate climate change adaptation into their work, ensuring that future climate change impacts are a fundamental consideration in their day-to-day planning.


To achieve this vision, Canada's Climate Change Adaptation Platform endeavors to:

  1. Facilitate Knowledge Sharing: Through our networks of practitioners, we aim to foster a rich exchange of information and best practices across all sectors involved in climate adaptation.

  2. Educate and Inform: By hosting a series of webinars and distributing newsletters, we commit to keeping our stakeholders informed on the latest research, tools, and adaptation strategies.

  3. Provide Resources: Through our website,, and other digital platforms, we offer access to decision-support tools and knowledge products designed to enhance climate adaptation planning and implementation.

  4. Promote Collaboration: Our actions are designed to strengthen coordination and collaboration across regions, sectors, levels of government, and organizations, ensuring a cohesive and unified approach to climate change adaptation in Canada.

Values and Culture

At the heart of Canada's Climate Change Adaptation Platform is a foundational belief in the power of connectivity and collaboration. We are driven by the urgent need to facilitate the exchange of information, best practices, and innovative solutions across all segments of society. Our ethos is built on inclusivity, bringing together diverse perspectives from every province and territory, federal departments, regional climate centres, key adaptation organizations, and national Indigenous organizations. This rich tapestry of voices ensures that our approach to climate adaptation is holistic and reflective of Canada's diverse landscape.

Our commitment to an all-of-society approach underscores the importance we place on collaborative action. We believe that by working together, we can uncover innovative practices and develop new tools that will lead us to a more resilient future. Through our online resources and the direct support provided by the Adaptation Platform Secretariat at Natural Resources Canada, we strive to create an environment of shared learning and mutual support.

Innovation lies at the core of our mission. We continuously seek to explore and support research into groundbreaking adaptation practices, recognizing that the path to effective adaptation is paved with ingenuity and forward-thinking. Our culture is one of active engagement, where each participant is both a learner and a contributor, sharing in the collective wisdom that makes our Platform a beacon for climate change adaptation action in Canada and beyond.

CanAdapt is powered by
NRCAN Resilience by Design Lab Royal Roads University Natural Resources Canada